lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Homework 3-7 September.

K3 English

Cut and paste 8 school items.

Color the rainbow according the colors, and decorate the star. (A)

Color the picture .Cut and paste gym teacher, cashier, gatekeeper and bus driver.

Cut and paste 5 objects that begin with the sound /Ff/. 

K3 Español

Lunes 3 de septiembre de 2012

- Colorea como se te indica. (1)

Martes 4 de septiembre de 2012
-Recorta y pega objetos que empiezen con las letras A y E.

Miércoles 5 de septiembre de 2012
-Cuenta y encierra el número según corresponda. (2)

Jueves 6 de septiembre de 2012
-Colorea y une la vocal según corresponda.(3)

Monday  3rd  
Trace the big number 2 several times and paste 2 things next to it.
Draw 3 things and color them only with blue.
Tuesday  4th
Paste 5  round  things  from a magazine to represent a circle.
Do a page of the number 2.
Wednesday  5th
Using different colors, trace the big vowel O.
From a magazine, paste 5 different school items.
Thursday  6th
Do a page of the capital vowel O.
Trace the big number 3 and paste 3 things next to it.

Trace the big number 2 several times and paste 2 things next to it. /Draw 3 things and color them only with blue.
Paste 5 round things from a magazine to represent a circle./ Do a page of the number 2.
Using different colors, trace the big vowel O./ From a magazine, paste 5 different school items.
Do a page of the capital vowel O./ Trace the big number 3 and paste 3 things next to it.

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